Nacel International is a world-wide federation of organizations, companies and representatives working together to deliver a culturally-immersive education around the globe. Nacel International is governed by a group of founding partners who work together to insure standardized quality of programs and provide mutual support world wide.
Nacel Open Door, Inc. (Nacel) is one of these founding partner organizations who, for more than five decades, has promoted programs and opportunities aimed at students who want to broaden their perspective of the world and gain practical experience living, working and learning in another culture.
Nacel has differentiated programs to meet the varying desires of International students who are interested in exploring the world. For students who want a full year of study in another culture, Nacel offers academic programs in both public and private schools. For those students more inclined to participate in short-term programs, Nacel offers tutorials, homestays, and touring programs.
In recent years, Nacel has further diversified its program offerings by expanding into the private school market, developing an online education program with a curriculum that fits the needs of pre-school through high-school aged students, and increasing our presence in Asia. Nacel also launched its own high school initiative with schools in the U.S. and Korea and newly opening branches and sister schools in Poland, Kenya, Korea, and China.
Language acquisition, experiential learning, global exploration, formal college preparatory education and advanced online learning have become the hallmarks of Nacel.

국제문화교류 및 언어교육을 위한 비영리 기관인 Nacel Open Door는 1964년 설립되어 지금까지 전 세계 10만명이 넘는 학생들을 대상으로 Homestay Program을 성공적으로 시행함으로써 미국 내 연수 프로그램에 대한 검증 기관인 CSIET(Counsil on Standard for International Education Travel)로부터 인증 받은 기관입니다. 또한 미국 국무성으로부터 외국 학생들을 위한 교환학생 프로그램(Academic Year Program)을 위임받아 시행하고 있습니다.